15 June 2010

Adab dan Akhlak Islamiah ting.4


Public Lecture : "Islam in Europe: Current Trends and Future Challenges" by Prof. Samuel O. Imbo


Media portrayals of Muslims in Europe are overwhelmingly negative. It is crucial to put in context what is written in the newspapers or said on TV about the everlasting incompatibility between Islam and democracy, Islam and gender equality, Islam and modernity, and relationships between Muslims and non-Muslims. This lecture is a synthesis of a trip in 2007 to France and The Netherlands to get a first-hand look at the types of concrete conflicts that emerge from religious issues and cultural issues in contemporary Europe. It is an exploration for answers to questions such as: How far can secularized European societies cope with religious plurality? Are the public controversies such as the headscarf debate in France and the Swiss ban on Minarets really about religion? How does the public stigmatization of Muslims and Islam affect daily practices of citizens? How do we make sense of the appeal of religious extremism for some young Muslims in Europe? The completely different French and Dutch models of multiculturalism and integration of Muslim immigrants make for an interesting contrast of how best to integrate Islam and Europe. The lecture will attempt to tease out some lessons in all this for the U.S.A. and Malaysia.

Sam Imbo is Kenyan by birth and American by choice. He is a professor of philosophy and the director of the African American Studies Program at Hamline University in Saint Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. He also held the Hanna Chair in Philosophy at Hamline University from September 2005 until May 2009. He earned his B.A. (Hons) in 1985 from the University of Nairobi in Kenya. He received both his M.A. (1990) and Ph.D. (1995) degrees from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A. His teaching, writing and research interests are in the areas of comparative philosophy, Africana philosophy, and social and political philosophy. He is the author of two books. His first book, An Introduction To African Philosophy, was published in 1998. His second book, Oral Traditions As Philosophy: Okot p’Bitek’s Legacy For African Philosophy, was published in 2002. His interest in Islam was sparked by teaching a philosophy of religion course and by an international faculty seminar in June 2007. The seminar, organized by the Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE) took 14 American professors to France and The Netherlands with a focus on the theme of contemporary European Muslims. In 2008, Professor Imbo taught a seminar at Trier University in Germany on the theme of American Islam.
Speaker :: Professor Samuel O. Imbo
Date :: 17/06/2010
Time :: 03:00 pm
Location :: Katha Seminar Room, Centre for Civilisational Dialogue
Registration :: Free for all participant
Open to :: Public , Staff , Student & Alumni
Contact :: Centre for Civilisational Dialogue Staff,
Tel No. : 603-79675697
Fax No. : 603-79675692

Largest Outdoor Reading Event In Malaysia

Date :: 26/06/2010
Time :: 10:00 am
Location :: Taman Tasik Shah Alam
Registration :: Free for all participant
Open to :: Public , Staff , Student & Alumni
Contact :: Pn Suzliana, En Sarwani,
Tel No. : 03-5519 7667
Fax No. : -

Maher Zain

Ahlan Wasahlan

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t... selamat datang ke blog saye... blog ni saya cipta ketika saya berkursus Diploma Pendidikan di ILKM Jawi Pulai Pinang... saya cipta blog ni demi memenuhi amanah daripada pensyarah saye..